jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013


17 comentarios:

  1. Maida Liz Marty Lugo9 de mayo de 2013, 18:34

    1) My dad is a really working men.
    2) The trees are big.
    3) The wood cuter is to dangerous to kids
    4) Today is a sunny day.
    5) My brother is always serious.
    6) All the humains are creating a contaminition on the world.

  2. I see a young man that his intention is cut a tree.
    He is a strong woodcutter.
    The man looks like a lumberjack.
    The man is very serious.
    He is a responsible man.
    I see a big tree

  3. You miss the period in the last sentence.

  4. OK Mrs:Nieves...Thanks.

  5. I see a wodcutter.
    I see the nature.
    I see a axe
    I see a little plant
    I see a angry man
    I see the sky

  6. It is beautiful to see the sunny day.
    The leafy tree will be cut by the young.
    The serious young observes the tree.
    The flat land is green.
    Be woodcutter is the work of the young.
    The gate is behind the tree.

  7. the agriculturist is tired
    the farmer is resting
    the working man getting sun
    the man is reforesting
    he is naturalist
    that man is a wood cutter

    1. You forgot to begin the sentence with capital letter and period a the end.

  8. The young man is mature.
    He is focusing on the tree.
    He wields a axe in his hand.
    The tree has blossomed.
    The boy is a wood cutter.
    It is spring time.

  9. Daliana Maldonado13 de mayo de 2013, 7:07

    The woodcutter is exited.
    The tree is behind of the boy.
    The green landscape is far.
    The hammer is clean.
    The serious young is tired.
    The young men is hot.

  10. Daliana don't forget men is the plural form of man. There is one man in the picture.

  11. I see a tree kids.
    I see one girl reading a book.
    I see a boy writting a book.
    I see a other boy is sad and writting a book.
    The kids are in class.
    They are happy but one is sad.

  12. krystal eileen rodriguez ithier13 de mayo de 2013, 20:22

    they are kids in school.
    the girl is reading a book.
    the boys are doing work.
    the kids have work.
    the kids are in class .
    the kids are happy bit one is sad .

  13. krystal eileen rodriguez ithier13 de mayo de 2013, 20:23

    thank u mis nieves

  14. With the ax cut the tree
    Man has the ax
    The slingshot is in the pocket
    The tree is very large
    The man is looking at the tree
    Man is walking to the tre

  15. I see the young man standing.
    He is a lumberjack.
    He is also a woodcutter.
    HE has an axe.
    There is a tree infront of him.
    And he is standing on the green the green grass.


Please use a correct vocabulary when you write your comments. This is an Educative Blog.